Title: 340 Days
Author: Michii
Genre: Fantasy, Mystery, Romance
Graphic Novel
Rating: 4/5 stars
This story was interesting to read because the underlying concept was creative. There are different types of people in the world and you are born and categorized as a certain type. I liked how the story took that and showed people trying to break free of that type, but also how different personalities make people all different, and it can be hard to overcome your genes in certain circumstances.
This was a love story all the way through.
Clean Read?
I will mention that there are portions that some may find disturbing due to their gore, violence, and depictions of the darker side of human nature. There is also reference to kidnapping and murder, so if you are looking for a fluff piece, this isn't it. If you enjoy reading about the different aspects of human nature, including the darker sides, and the tendency of someone to overlook another's faults because of love, this may be a story for you.
~ G.G. Marshall