Title: Corridor of Mirs
Author: NOK
Genre: Drama, Fantasy
Graphic Novel
Rating: 3/5 stars
So I just have to say, this story was super confusing. I almost gave it two stars. I didn't appreciate how difficult it can be for a graphic novel to splice in good transitions between scenes until I read this story.
The art was great and it kept me reading because there was good suspense, but even as they started revealing the mysteries in the back story, I felt that I was still desperately trying to piece everything together. And not in a fun, detective way, but in a 'what is happening? I'm so lost,' way.
Clean Read?
Also, from a Christian standpoint, I wouldn't recommend this. There were just a lot of non-Christian elements with the characters and the gods... well, the mirs...
I'm mainly posting this review because it was on my pile, but it's not really one I'd recommend. I'll have another review for you all in a month.
~G.G. Marshall