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"I Bid You Adieu" Graphic Novel Review

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

Title: I Bid You Adieu

Author: Yunyeoeum, io (story)

Genre: Romance, Fantasy

Graphic Novel

Rating: 5/5 stars

I really enjoyed this story, it sucked me right in and I read it in two days because I couldn't put it down. I had to know what was going to happen and who she was going to be with.

This story is about a woman who is reincarnated into a new body, in a new world. The body she is reborn into is of a woman who collects men. It's from a novel the main character is reading when she dies and she's reborn as the villainess. While the idea is not new, the story felt creative, and it doesn't have a cliche ending in terms of who she ends up with. I really liked the character she ended up with in terms of personality, he had depth and wasn't a cliche male lead.

It wasn't an overly long story, but it had well-developed characters and a quick-moving storyline. I also felt the ending wrapped the story up for the most part without feeling rushed like a lot of graphic novels do.

Clean Read?

This story was good in terms of sexual content, there was some kissing but the scenes weren't overly suggestive and didn't show nudity. There is pre-marital sex, though. There is very little cussing, and where it is the words are bleeped out. There is some magic use, though it's minimal, as well as some demon beasts.

Overall, it was an interesting read and I'd recommend.

~ G.G. Marshall



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