Title: Infinitely Yours
Author: (art) Kwon Hana, (story) Na Jongmin
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Graphic Novel
Rating: 3/5 stars
I'm not sure exactly how to describe this story. It almost felt written for a younger audience, perhap middle schoolers. This graphic novel was a romance story, as is pretty apparent by the cover.
I wouldn't say there was anything horrible about the story itself, and I did finish reading it. Honestly, if I don't like a book much, I usually end up setting it down somewhere halfway through and forgetting about it in favor of another story. So, I at least enjoyed this enough to finish it.
Yet, I felt that the story left something to be desired. The romance felt somewhat superficial and I wasn't a fan of the male lead. Not that he was someone I hated by any means, but he just seemed immature and self-absorbed. The other thing I would note is that the transitions from scene to scene weren't great and left me confused alot. I wouldn't put this book on the top shelf, but if you're looking for something to do, it's an alright, light-hearted read.
~ G.G. Marshall