Title: Ingrid, the White Deer
Author: (comic) Red Parsley, (original story) White Fence
Genre: Romance
Graphic Novel
Rating: 4/5 stars
I'm not sure what to say about this story... While I enjoyed the art and the writing was well done, I couldn't get behind the premise of the story. It had the typical good girl trying to save the bad boy theme and I usually walk away dissatisfied after those stories.
It's not a person's job to save another person, and if you get into a marriage with a person when you don't like who they are or their habits, you can't expect they will change. In fact, you should expect they won't, and you will likely be miserable. Maybe I sound like the hope destroyer and a cynical person? But with the rate of divorce and bad endings to relationships, I would say it's hard enough to make a marriage work without adding a bunch of things to a person you don't approve of when starting out.
I gave this story 4 stars because it seemed thought out and it did a good job of pulling you in. However, on the premise of the story itself and the ideas behind it, I'd give it a lower star rating. Basically, I wouldn't want my daughter reading this and thinking this is how love works, 9 times out of 10 this story would end badly.
I also need to issue a language and sexual content warning for this one, it is a bit risqué.
~G.G. Marshall