Allison blew back a strand of red hair that had wriggled free of her ponytail as she stood up to stretch. "Hi!" She said to the unfamiliar face in front of her. She rested her weight on the pitchfork. "You new here?" Poor sap. When she had started she thought stable hand meant she’d spend time with the horses not that she would spend all day mucking stalls, transferring poop and hay. Yes, that was the glorious life she led at Hillford Stables. "Uh hi, I'm Collin," he stared at the sweat streaked red head, a bit taken back. He'd never seen someone so lovely doing such dirty work. 'She's shoveling shit!' His mind gasped while another part of him cheered. When they told him she was working in the stables he expected polishing tack or brushing down horses’ manes. A job most girls adored. "Uh, uh," he stuttered, this was amazing! A hard-working woman! Putting a hand to his forehead he forced himself to remember his task, knowing he looked a fool. "I'm with the landscaping crew, they sent me to ask you to move your car," he finished lamely. Allison gave him what she hoped was a passable smile. She needed the help of a new stable hand but that didn't mean she was going to get it. She wasn't sure whether to be amused or annoyed by the expression on Collin's face. She almost thought he was impressed for a minute but all she was doing was scooping poop. Maybe he was just shocked by the appearance of a girl that wasn't all gussied up. No matter. "Ah, sure. Right now?" She hoped she could finish cleaning the stall first. "Uh yeah, if you would, not like you have better things to do!" He tried to tease her as he stepped back and bowed with a flourish towards the parking lot. A girl doing hard work, he was in love! It was almost like a fairy tale. Yes she was his Cinderella! Hm, Shiterella? Eh, better not go there! He shied away from the uncomplimentary thought. How could he suavely get her number before she got into her car? Allison rolled her emerald eyes at him. "Maybe I do or maybe I enjoying shoveling manure." She gave him an amused grin. "Believe it or not, I didn’t know that would occupy the majority of my time when I took this job." She gazed at the man curiously wondering what he was thinking ‘Heh! Putty in my hands!’ Collin thought as he walked next to her towards the parking lot. He'd been worried she wouldn't get his humor, most girls didn't. Emboldened, he forged on. "So other than shoveling poo, is there anything more a girl like you aspires to?" He grinned shamelessly. Allison couldn't help but emit a laugh. "Oh, being unequivocally successful, becoming rich, and taking over the world." She winked at him playfully and dug her car keys out of her pocket. "Just the normal stuff, you know. I figured shoveling manure would put me on the fast track."

Collin laughed. Was she playing off his line of humor? Did she like him? Perhaps the only way to know was to just ask. Soon as she got into her car he'd have to go back to his crew and labor under the foreman's direction. "Say, what time you get off tonight? I'd like to take you out," he sniffed conspicuously. "See what you're like cleaned up from all that." He nodded towards her sullied boots and trousers. Allison raised an eyebrow. Well, nothing like getting to the punch. "I will if you do something for me." She returned her keys to her pocket and headed back to the stall. "Follow me," she tossed casually over her shoulder. Collin stopped in surprise as he watched the girl head back towards the barn. He frowned, torn between getting back to his supervisor and the oh-so-interesting female. He tentatively followed the girl. Allison disappeared into the stall then reappeared with a mischievous grin and her hands hidden behind her back. "You ready?" she asks Collin with a sweet, soft voice. Collin stopped. "For what? In there?" He motioned to the stall. He didn't like not knowing things and that sweet voice made him suspicious. Allison giggled at him and suddenly lurching forward she smacked a hand firmly against his cheek, the gooey, dark brown manure in her hand plastered against his face and squelched through her fingers. She quickly pulled back and took several rapid steps backward. "Ugh!" Collin lurched back. The stink assaulted his nostrils. He wiped the crap from his cheek. "What was that for?" he yelped, still wiping filth off and slinging it to the ground to free it from his fingers. Allison chuckled as she watched him, the mischievous twinkle in her eyes bright and defiant. "That's what I needed from you. I wanted to make sure you don't freak out from the small things." She couldn't help but continue to giggle as she wiped her hand on her pants to scrub off the manure. "That I don't freak out?!" he roared. "Gosh, yah crazy girl! Now I have to go to work like this! Ugh..." He turned, looking for the water faucet. Finding one outside he pulled the handle up letting the water flow. He dipped his head under the flow, washing the muck off. That girl had some gall. Turning the faucet off he looked up at the girl still laughing at him. "I have to work, I'll see you later," he growled and stamped off towards his waiting work. He was pissed. He'd misjudged this girl and himself; that burned. However, he was also surprised. That was a very new feeling for him. Question was, did he like being surprised? Allison watched him go and shrugged helplessly. So was the date on or off? She headed toward her car. She figured he'd find her if he wanted.
~G.G. Marshall & J. Lindsey Marshall