Skye smiled as she brought her hands down from adjusting her waist-length black hair into its ponytail. She glanced around the little bus after stepping unto it, it was going to the zip line and she silently wished once more she could have had someone go with her. When she had booked the nonrefundable trip to Colorado four months ago she still had Derek. Boys were so frustrating, it had ended two days later. No matter. She made her way down the bus aisle to find a seat and settled comfortably on an empty one by the window. Maybe she’d make a friend at some point? It was only day two of her trip.

Dressed in hiking boots, dun pants, and a flannel shirt, he was ready for adventure. And he'd just seen one step onto the bus. With a quick brush of his wavy hair he boarded the bus, eyes instantly finding the pretty little thing sitting by the window. Jace tossed his duffel bag into the storage compartment. Taking out his iPod ear buds he plugged them in, dialed the music up and walked back to flop in the seat next to the gorgeous girl. "Don't mind if I sit here do you, cutie?" He asked music still blaring.
Skye shifted uncomfortably at the endearment and cast a glance at the guy. She shrugged her disinterest and then diverted her gaze. Now she really wished she had someone with her. She pulled her purse closer to her and stuck a hand in it to feel around quietly for her mace. Just in case.
Jace grinned invitingly, removing his earbuds, letting them dangle from his neck. "Come on! You're not going to get all self conscious because a guy gives you a compliment, are you?" He offered his hand, still grinning. "I'm Jace."
Skye released her mace to shake Jace's hand but she continued to hold her purse on her lap with her other hand. "Skye," she responded quietly, "nice to meet you." As soon as she said the words she regretted them, so far it had not been nice to meet him. Not nice at all.
Jace's grin grew triumphant. "There! See? Not so bad." He sat back in the seat, content with himself. Picking up the left ear bud that had just recently been in use, he proffered it earnestly, "Want to listen to some tunes?"
Skye opened her mouth to answer but her attention was jerked forward when the bus driver hit the brakes. They squealed about a yard toward a crossing semi and then crashed into the trailer of it. Everyone was thrown forward as the front of the bus crumpled in.
"Son of a monkey fart!" Jace yelled, peeling himself off the back of the seat and looking around at other people similarly displaced. "Is our driver drunk? Flipping bajeebies! If he isn't dead, he's gonna be!" Jace knew he was overreacting from the adrenaline. Remembering, he looked down at Skye. "You alright?"
Skye grimaced and fought back the tears that had sprung to her eyes. Great, just what she needed, to be vulnerable in front of Mr. Tool. Somehow she had become wedged between the bottom of their seat and the seat in front of them. She tried to wiggle out and a piercing scream escaped her as she tried to move her left leg. The pain shooting through it was excruciating.
Jace jumped at the scream and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Funny jokes, pickup lines, and arguments he could do. 'What do I do with her?' he thought frantically casting a glance around. The bus was a pandemonium of chaos. People yelling, whimpering, cries mingled with screams. Outside traffic had come to a halt, the bus’s crumpled windshield merged with the back of the semi. 'First aid,' the words came to mind. He looked back at the girl pinned between the seats. He didn't know a thing about first aid. Looking up towards the front he decided on a course of action. "You just stay there okay? I’m gonna find help!" he stated confidently. Yes this was the right course. Find someone who knew what to do. He turned and walked away, as approaching sirens began to be heard. And like many men who run when faced with uncomfortable positions, he never made it back to the beautiful girl before the first responders took over.
~G.G. Marshall & J. Lindsey Marshall