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the Little Girl and her Dog

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

Emma rolled off the trampoline and took off running as soon as she found her footing. The six-year-old girl had a birthday in two days and she was eager for it, but the party preparations were driving her crazy. She figured the easiest way to keep from getting work from her parents was to stay out of sight. So she headed for the trees in the back part of the yard, her blonde hair bouncing on her shoulders as she ran.

'Oh bother there she goes again,' Scottie grumbled to himself as he leveraged his squat bulk of the ground and dutifully trotted after his charge. Aged, and not in the best shape from a lifetime of successful table begging, Scottie still considered himself the family's trusted guardian and he'd taken a liking to young Emma. But somedays he wished the energetic 6-year-old would just sit quietly, taken him in her lap and stoke his hair or starch his belly as he so liked. But today didn't seem the day. His charge was bursting at the seams with excitement.

As he followed after the young girl he braced himself to endure one-sided inane conversations humans have with their pets because they think the pets can't understand. 'Humans are so silly. They act all knowing because they can speak their own language, but seldom understand others,' Scottie huffed. As he came to a stop beside Emma and sat back on his haunches staring up at the girl.

Emma smiled down at the faithful dog sitting next to her and then turned the attention of her wide brown eyes to the tree in front of her. It was bigger than what she was used to climbing but that made it extra sturdy. Only issue was figuring out how to get ahold of the first limb. "What do ya think, Scottie? How do i get to that first branch?" She pointed accusatorially at the branch in question.

Scottie looked at the tree and cocked his head before growling. 'You don't. You should stay on the ground and rub my belly.' He paused before rolling over on his back on the grass four legs in the begging up at the girl with a pleading whine. 'Rub me!'

Emma giggled. "You're so cute!" She turned away and took a few paces before turning back. She took a deep breath then ran at the tree, leapt in the air and her hands clutched at the branch. Success! She was glad for the pink gloves on her hands that protected her skin from the bark. She looked down at Scottie with her feet dangling and giggled.

Scottie rolled to his feet running around the tree in agitation. 'Silly child! Come down at once!' He barked. The girl's face was laughing down at him. Scottie thought how comical he must appear and came to a stop under the girl's feet with an irritated growl. 'Fine, you have your fun, but don't expect sympathy if you fall!' Scottie barked and put his head down between his forelegs sulking.

Emma kicked her legs out to use the tree as a way to push her up. Her feet scraped at the bark and suddenly her fingers slipped she screamed as she crashed to the ground.

Scottie yipped dashing aside just narrowly avoiding being a squashed Scottish Terrier. His startlement instantly turned to concern as Emma's body fell to the earth. 'Emmy! Emmy!' he yapped, rushing over to press his nose to the girls face his little paws on her chest as he sniffed. 'Are you okay?' he barked.

Emma moaned and wiped blonde hair from her face with her hand. She laid still for a few moments then smiled at Scottie. "I hurt myself Scottie. But have no fear, my adventure and courage are still there!"

Scottie buried his head in the girl's hair, licking her ears in relief. 'This is what you get for not listening to me. Now lie still and pet me instead of getting yourself into trouble.' He climbed ontop of the girl as little dogs do and snuggled unto her, lapping her with his tongue. 'Now you stay! Life comes full circle, I am the master! You listen to my commands, small one!' Scottie gibbered happy his charge wasn't badly hurt.

Emma relaxed under the weight of her trusted friend and scratched him behind the ears. She needed a rest.

~ G.G. Marshall & J. Lindsey Marshall


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