"Arf Arf" or "Stop stop, you crazy girl!" Scottie called after his charge. The headstrong seven-year-old Emma was dashing through the orchard between blooming cherry trees with white painted trunks. Scottie pursued the girl as fast as his four little legs could carry him all the while calling to her to slow down.
Emma glanced over her shoulder at the barking dog and laughed. "Come on! Catch up! I'm going to the house to tell momma what cake i want! I forgot to tell her i want chocolate!" She wanted chocolate every year, but she had to make sure her mother remembered. Chocolate was her favorite. But what about Scottie? He couldn't share that cake. "Would you like her to make vanilla cupcakes, too?"
Scottie stopped and sat, cocking his little head sideways. "Of course I want cake!" He barked enthusiastically. Doing a slight prance in a circle before sitting again staring up at the girl. "But chocolate sounds good to me as well!"
Emma stopped her frantic run toward the house as she waited for the dog's response. Sometimes it was as if he was trying to talk to her. At least he was certainly excited about cake! She giggled, "Okay, let's go tell Mom!" She led the charge up the back porch and then paused by the back door. She poked her head around to look in the kitchen. If dad was around he'd probably give her chores to do. Coast was clear, just mother, she raced through the door.
"Hey wait!" Scottie yipped. "We haven't decided on flavor!" Scottie dashed after the girl into the house. This was important! How could she rush into this?
"Mom!" Emma chirped.
Her mother turned from hanging streamers across a kitchen cabinet. "Yes, dear?"
"Can I have chocolate cake?"

"For your birthday? Of course."
"And vanilla cupcakes for Scottie!"
Her mother climbed off the chair she was standing on and looked thohghtfully at the dog.
"Come here, Scottie!" She called to the puppy. "What would you think about a meat cupcake instead?"
Scottie tilted his head and licked his upper lips and nose staring up at the older woman. "What is this meat cupcake? Why yes please!" He whined tail wagging on the floor where he sat respectfully. "But if it's too much trouble, the chocolate sounds just as good!"
Emma's mom gave Scottie a rub on the head with a smile.
"Thanks, Mom!" Emma hollered and head to the back door. "Emma!" Her mother hollered. "I need you to sweep out the shed!"
"Aw, Ma," Emma whined.
"And change the cat box when you are done with that. And make sure to wash your hands when you are finished!"
"Okay," Emma pouted and headed outside. So much for avoiding work by avoiding Dad.
Scottie ears twitched when he heard "cat box". Turning he slunk under a couch, hiding. "Poor
Emma," he whined. Despite his best efforts to accompany his charge everyone, the domain of the gigantic orange tabby was off limits! Especially where that detestable villain did its business. Scottie made it a habit to find a dark quiet place out if the way whenever Emma had anything to do with the cats! "I'll just nap here, after all, she's inside and perfectly safe. Job well done, me boy!" He consoled himself curling into a little ball under the living room couch.

Within minutes little Scottie snores were emanating from furniture.
~ G.G. Marshall & J. Lindsey Marshall