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The Pianist

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

Corinthia closed her uncomprehending eyes as she leaned into the piano and let the music flow over her. The sounds of the restaurant drowned out of her mind behind the rhythm of the music. It was just one more Friday night and Corinthia would have given up on this dream a long time ago if she wasn’t so enamored with the music and the feel of the keys as her fingers flew across them by memory.

"Hiya sweet cheeks!" Silas plopped down on the piano bench beside the beautiful pianist and pulled out a cigar, lit it, and joined in the song, making them a piano duet. He didn't know the woman next to him, but together they made beautiful music united in passion for harmony. Except Silas Trent was inebriated on sweet victory after closing a deal of a lifetime, cockily sailing beyond reach of any mortal man and reveling in his triumphs. Which meant being a giant ass to most anyone tonight, and the beautiful pianist was no exception.

Corinthia’s brow creased in irritation at the derogatory pet name. Her frown deepened when the man joined her at the piano. She was fairly certain she had never heard his voice before so her question of, "Do I know you?" was meant more as a, "Who do you think you are?" She remained poised without breaking stride on the piano as she impatiently waited for the answer.

Silas smiled sideways at the woman, very glad she kept playing. "I sure hope not! Because I haven't the dangdest idea who you are and if you DID know me," he laughed and shook his head. "That would just be awkward." And then added. "You play like an angel, you really are good! Let's drag out the last stanza at the bottom here." Silas played on merrily, unaware of the reaction he was causing. He was merely happy without a care for the world. For once.

Corinthia dragged out the last stanza as requested, unwilling to let her distaste of a human negatively affect her music. When the song finished she removed her hands from the piano and set them lightly in her lap. "If you expect me to share my tips with you then you are sorely mistaken," she said it softly in an attempt to be polite but her heart was pounding in frustration. What did he want? No one had ever sat down and just started playing before except a gentleman who was old and so inebriated one time that he passed out on the chair. She wasn't sure what this man was after but whatever it was, he wasn't going to get it from her.

Her only response was a solid snore from an arched body that had leaned against the piano in emphasis of the end of the song and instantly fallen into happy sleep.

Corinthia's mouth fell slightly agape at the sound of the snoring that rose to meet her ears. ‘How dare he...’ She hesitated a moment, internally battling between her desire and her internal compass of politeness. Eventually the urge won out and she gave the man a nudge, knocking him firmly off the stool. "Oh my!" She said in a high pitched tone. "I think he fell off!"

The crumpled heap on the floor that was Silas Trent continued to snore happily until a couple burly waiters being overseen by the hotel manager knelt beside him and shook his shoulders gently. "Wha?! Mey keep ijt doawn" he mumbled and fell back asleep. The stress lines and tightness completely relaxed but were still evident on his countenance.

The manager sighed. "Okay you two, let's get Mr. Trent to his hotel room, penthouse 3." He signaled and the two waiters began hoisting the unconscious Trent between them. "Gently does it!" The manager hissed as if guarding a precious charge. Turning to Corinthia he said, "my apologies miss, eh.....whatever your name is. Please carry on." Then he bowed and drifted away.

~ G.G. Marshall & J. Lindsey Marshall


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