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Writing Within Chaos

Writer: G.G. MarshallG.G. Marshall

Things have been so hectic in my life lately. We've had child number two, and during those first six months, all my well intended and scheduled plans fall to the wayside. I get even more sleep-deprived than usual, the house accumulates extra layers of dust, and my main focus is just balancing work and family-life.

While things have calmed down some and my daughter actually sleeps more than 3 hours in a go, having two small children, a business, a part-time job, and all the other obligations that come with adulthood, make finding a moment of peace difficult to find sometimes. But writing is important to me, it always has been and is now more than ever.

Writing is my dream, and I am ready to buckle down and get back to it. I've missed this world, I've missed these adventures, and I've missed all of you. I'm back and I'm working on the Griffin Guard series again, in those small snippets of time I manage to wrangle out of my busy life. I can't wait until the next book is ready to share with the world.


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